Joining today Helping tomorrow
Joining today Helping tomorrow
The USV-JSC (UNITED STATES VOLUNTEERS-JOINT SERVICES COMMAND) is an organization focused on augmenting the Regular and Reserve forces in two areas. First, the USV-JSC provides trained and uniformed volunteers who may be called upon to render Military Funeral Honors to deceased veterans at National and local cemeteries. Second, the USV-JSC fills in the gap when and where needed by proper authority in incidents of natural disasters.
Enlisted our nation finest’s retired military personnel who willingly volunteers hundreds of hours to provide training, preparation, and military honors for our nation’s heroes.
Please see our latest events, photos and media here:
The USV-JSC is an organization focused on augmenting the Regular and Reserve forces in two areas. First, the USV-JSC provides trained and uniformed volunteers who may be called upon to render final military honors to deceased veterans at national and local cemeteries. Second, the USV-JSC fills the gap when and where needed by proper authority in incidents of natural disasters.
Please fill out your information to this application link below, then one of our member will reach out for more information
From Colonel Teddy Roosevelt, the First United States Volunteer Cavalry Regiment was organized by Theodore Roosevelt and Leonard Wood, M.D. General George A. Custer.
General Custer was appointed major-general of volunteers April 15, 1865, and was brevetted a major-general of United States Volunteers for “gallant and meritorious services at the battles of Winchester and Fisher’s Hill, Virginia.”
Lt. General Arthur Macarthur. On June 1, 1898, MacArthur received notifi- cation of his appointment as brigadier general of volunteers. His assignment to the Philip- pines rather than Cuba came as a surprise.
Boots on Graves
To provide a “seamless” military organization of volunteer retired and former service members and patriotic Ameri- can citizens to perform military final honors to the armed forces veterans of the United States of America; to com- pliment the national shortage of active and reserve forces available to perform military final honors; and, to provide a select pool of qualified manpower for use by the Secretary of Defense.